The "Communications and Technology" course taught in the department of Journalism and Media Studies at Lehman College / City University of New York (CUNY) examines communications technology from a media perspective. Students develop knowledge and skills as they design and produce media projects in the areas of networked and graphic communications. These areas may include TV, interactive software, digital video, web design and mobile applications. The course also examines print and graphic communications, photography, digital imaging, deep fakes, NFTs, broadcast journalism, and interactive digital media. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues in the various communications technology fields. Students get access to prototyping tools and create mobile Apps that aim to find solutions to societal problems.
"This is Me" aids those people coming to terms with their appearance while also helping them discover their beauty and self-worth, and the importance of staying true to themselves.
Lands and Lords is an anonymous rating app for tenants to review buildings and their landlords.
"Corruption" helps protect you against all forms of political corruption by making information about politicians more transparent.
Muskra is a music therapy ap that helps users manage their emotions and recover from anxiety and sadness. Muskra is a mix of the words "music" and "chakra," and it refers to a carefully chosen playlist of songs that are designed to help you emotionally heal your body.
This app helps the homeless find free fridges in their neighborhoods along with unconsumed restaurant food.
This app helps you find environmentally sustainable places where your friends are eating.
This app sends you notifications when there are crimes, emergencies, or other potentially harmful events in your vicinity.
Mac OSX application that shows how much pollution you contribute daily to the global waste stream
This app promotes sustainability in fashion by helping people clean out their closets by selling what they already own for new designs.
An app that helps you finally kick the social media habit you have so desperately wanted to let expire.
An app to give students tips on how to work out effectively and efficiently during the pandemic as well as log what they eat .
An app that makes time management more digital and easily adaptive as we live our everyday lives
Milieu incentivizes the public to clean up polluted urban areas to beautify their neighborhoods.
This app is your go-to destination to find out COVID-19 Information in your location.
Protecting you against urban and domestic predators.
GPR stands for "Guaranteed Package Received". It is a way to achieve assurance from online shopping.
A humor app used to combat the start of a depressive episode with comedy and laughter.
This app encourages community support during times of hardship.
This app is about eating healthy and solving the high obesity rate in America.
This app focuses on helping support small businesses from around the world.
This app connects to a brain implant chip that amplifies your memory, knowledge capacity, and global connectivity.
A personal assistant that inspires you with quotes to help you get through each day.
When you’re feeling unsafe, someone close to you is watching.This app addresses safety concerns during uncomfortable or potentially dangerous situations.
A GPS tracker device and app that guarantees safe arrival and location of loved ones.
This app rewards you for eating healthy and staying on a positive exercise regimen.
Instead of the multiple apps for various things dealing with CUNY this one app centralizes all things CUNY, regardless of which campus you attend.
This app keeps your network aware of your location and helps you avoid dangerous situations.
OTS…On The Spot is an app designed to work in conjunction to any shopping advertising network. The App allows you to purchase anything you see by taking a photo or scanning the QR code.
Capacity helps you avoid crowded locations that might make you more susceptible to catching the Coronavirus
This app is your all-in-one place to do all things college such as sell textbooks and join campus communities.
This app allows the public to vote for their public representatives (Presidential Candidates, Senators, Congress) from their Phones.
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